Poorthi Examinations in the Vedas - Certificates awarded- 18 May 2010

Veda Rakshana Nidhi Trust, Chennai-33 conducted various Vedic Examinations at Srimatam, Kanchipuram from 12th to 16th May 2010. The Poorthi Examinations (Final examinations) for various levels in the different branches of the Vedas were held. Students from various patasalas from different states took up the examinations. Students who cleared the examinations successfully were awarded certificates and blessed by His Holiness Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamiji and His Holiness Pujyasri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamiji at a function held at Srimatam.

Photos of the certificate-awarding ceremony:

Poorthi Exams- Certificates Poorthi Exams- Certificates
Poorthi Exams- Certificates Poorthi Exams- Certificates

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